Featured Projects

111-Line Piggability

The 111 Lateral pipeline supplies natural gas from the Waitangirua Delivery Point (DP) to the Tawa A and Tawa B gas DPs in Wellington. The line has known coating defects and is consequently operated at a reduced pressure of 18 barg pressure.
Project Summary

The pipeline was last DCVG surveyed in 2009: 156 coating defects were identified. As per AS 2885.3, the use of intelligent pigging inspection (ILI) is required as the preferred minimum inspection technique. In previous experiences, ILI inspection of the 100 Line has found ~200 corrosion metal loss sites.

Verbrec’s Role

  • Design and install permanent pigging facilities for ILI tools including a pig launcher at Waitangirua DP and a receiver at the Tawa A DP
  • Preparation and planning for the site work
  • First Gas supervision and permitting of the site works


Waitangirua – Wellington




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