
Verbrec has comprehensive expertise in renewable power and new energy technologies. This enables us to review and implement different solutions to support our clients in meeting the global energy challenge.

Our clients include start-up firms, power generation, oil and gas, industrial users and water.

From small feasibility studies through to large scale EPCm projects, we have supported clients in the implementation of renewables, hydrogen, biofuels, CO2, carbon sequestration and other new energy technologies in the following areas:

  • Civil work design
  • Electrification and instrumentation
  • CO2 extraction, transportation and sequestration
  • Hydrogen processing and blending
  • Biofuels
  • Oil and gas power solutions (reducing reliance on system use gas)

Our Engineering services include:

  • Engineering services for a range of industries
  • Installation of oil and gas, water and slurry pipelines
  • Pipeline design, construction, commissioning, integrity
    assessment, and operations
  • Hydrotransport Solutions
  • Industrial Cyber & Operational Technology
  • Control systems, Automation & Industrial Data Management
  • Electrical and instrumentation system solutions
  • Hazardous Areas Classification
  •  Regulatory Services
  • Engineering Design and Drafting Services
  • Structural and Civil Engineering Design 
  • Process Engineering

Verbrec has evolved

Click here to find out more about our history and plans for the future.